Session 1 Workshops

Feminist Mentorship: An Honest Conversation
May Lopez
This session brings together mentors and mentees for an honest conversation on feminism and mentorship. We will explore how mentorship can be approached from a collaborative and mutually enhancing perspective. And how mentors and mentees can work together to enact change and disrupt systems of oppression.

Opening the Briefcase: Unpacking social justice and self-care in the workplace
Lauren Hinkel & Krysta Coleman
When navigating the current workplace, there are opportunities for us to be engaged advocates for ourselves and others. However, in order to be successful in this, it is important to address issues that can affect our confidence and ability to communicate effectively. In this session, we will give an overview of the importance of mental health care in the workplace, discuss Imposter Syndrome and how to navigate it, and learn how to set, communicate, and enforce boundaries around social issues in work settings.

Grounding Strategies for Stress Relief-Taking Care of Yourself
Jaimie Hutchison
Grounding strategies help you cope with stressful situations and help you strengthen your resilience. The strategies that will be covered in this session include: Gratitude, progressive muscle relaxation, optimism, visualization, guided imagery, mindfulness, focused breathing, meditation, and affirmations, mantras, and mottos. Grounding strategies are things you can do to bring yourself into contact with the present moment. They can be quick strategies or longer more formal exercises. Different strategies work for different people. By learning about them, you can find one that works for you! Taking care of yourself is crucial. Before we can help others, we must be well ourselves.

Empowering the Leader From Within
Tammye Coles
Join us for an interactive and engaging dialogue exchange among women identified student leaders across campus. The program will feature various women identified student leaders in high profile positions within the university community. The dialogue will include an exchange among these leaders that focuses on the strategic steps or journey taken to secure their leadership positions, sustainability while in their respective positions, unique challenges encountered while serving in their positions, and advice to aspiring young leaders seeking to occupy spaces of high profile leadership positions. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with a group of dynamic and amazing scholar leaders within the university community.

Speaking Up Requires a Mind, Body, Spirit Connection!
Regina Carey
To know a community is to know its WOMEN. Right now, women are struggling to know who they are. Most of us are living from one part of ourselves these days - our heads! We struggle with our ever-growing lists and requirements and safety regulations and family needs. We are exhausted and stressed out! How else can we get things done except by keeping ourselves thinking and caffeinated? Regina Carey, M.Ed. will teach women how to give their brains a break and enlist the help of their bodies and spirits to live happier and healthier lives during this unprecedented time.